Tuesday, December 30, 2008

November '08 Stats

For the month of November 2008, the trends were fairly consistent with previous months. In Fairfax County area, Average Sold Price from 2007 was down about 18% to $423,088 but good news is Total Homes Sold were up just over 3% and Days on Market were down about 8% to 91 days. In Loudoun County, Average Sold Price was $355,235 which was down 28.5% but Total Homes Sold were up just over 11% and Days on Market down almost 16% from the previous year. Interest rates are at historic lows, prices have dropped and the trends & stats prove to be very favorable for buyers.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Interest Rates Hit a Record Low!

30-year fixed interest rates hit their lowest level in almost 40 years! According to Freddie Mac, the average rate fell to 5.19%, down from 5.47% the previous week and 6.14% at the same time last year. Freddie Mac started tracking this data in 1971 and this is the lowest rate during that time. So if you've been trying to determine when it's really the "right time" time to buy, the data speaks for itself. You have tremendous purchasing power with significantly lower home prices than we've seen in years and historically low interest rates. Many buyers are going to be getting off the fence to buy so don't wait or you will actually be competing with other buyers on the best properties.

Monday, October 27, 2008

National Resale News Moving in a Better Direction

This just in from the National Association of Realtors:

  • The number of sales for residential resales were up 7% last month, although, unfortunately prices continued to fall

  • Inventory for resale homes on the market is the lowest since June 2004

The infallible law of supply and demand allows us to be cautiously optimistic with this news. If supply is getting lower and demand is improving, prices will improve. Think about this seriously though if you are considering buying. Knowing what you now know, there is no need to "wait" to see what happens. It's a great time to buy before prices start creeping back up! Call me today if you are considering buying. There are still good deals to be had and I know where they are ;) j

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

July & August 2008 Stats

Stats are in from the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors for July and August sales. For July: Total Sold Volume is -12% from July '07, Average Sold Price is -12% and the Total Units Sold is about the same. The days on the market is up 37% from last year to an average of 91 days. For August: Total Sold Volume is -10% for August '07, Average Sold Price is -15% and drum roll.....the Total Units Sold is up 5.78%! The average days on the market for August sold properties was 87 days. It is easy to hyperfocus on all of the bad news in the media, but it's really not doom and gloom when you look at it from a historical perspective. It is a GREAT time to buy right now and rates are still at historic lows. Real estate is one of the very best long-term investments to make, plus you get to enjoy ownership benefits that you just don't get with other types of investments. Call me if you want more specific stats for your local neighborhood!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Daily Traffic Reports Ready for You!

Loudoun County is now offering daily traffic reports to help you with your area commuting. Visit www.loudoun.gov/traffic. If you've never visited the Loudoun County or Fairfax County websites, I encourage you to do so. Both websites have a wealth of information regarding local news information, tax assessments, school info and much more. They also offer a free news alert service to inform you of breaking area news. I subscribe to both and it's an outstanding service!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Loudoun County '08 Foreclosure Numbers

The Washington Post (Aug. 6) reported that from January through June, there were 956 foreclosures in Loudoun County and there were 1,172 permits authorized for new construction during that same period. Just to give you some perspective, there were over 6,600 building permits in 2003! As many area residents know, Loudoun County was the fastest growing county in the nation in 2004. Some view the drop in building as a positive because of their fear of overcrowding but clearly a rise in foreclosures is not a good thing. Foreclosures have affected just about every neighborhood throughout the county and even if you are not selling, it affects you because it brings neighborhood property values down. The good news is there are some indictions that home values are creeping higher. The article gives viewpoints that I totally agree with which emphasize that Loudoun's proximity to the area's job centers, Dulles Airport, and the proposed rail extension will help Loudoun bounce back. The future is good in Loudoun County and now is the time to take advantage of a great buyer's market! Call me today :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Must See TV on HGTV: Designed to Sell

I do not watch a lot of TV but TIVO is a must for me because every now and then I find a show that I just can't miss. My new favorite show that I highly recommend to everyone is "Designed to Sell" on HGTV. We've all seen lots of makeover-type shows but this one is the best of the best. It profiles everyday homeowners who are getting ready to sell their homes and it shows how with a few minor modifications, they will greatly increase their chances of selling for the best price possible. The homes profiled are in the Washington D.C. area which is fun if you are from the area because you will probably know the neighborhoods. Yet anyone can relate to how these homeowners get so used to "their things" that they don't always realize how a buyer will see their home. With a sharp Realtor and dynamic design team, the home is improved and the results are amazing....all on a very nominal budget! If you are considering selling your home, watch this show. You'll get great ideas and it not only takes the fear out of getting your home ready to sell, but you'll be so excited to see how you can get a great financial return on your efforts! Plus, the hosts are fun and they make you laugh so it's as entertaining as it is informative.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can Granite Countertops Really Cause Cancer?

If you watched or read the news this week, you might have been shocked to hear that granite countertops might give you cancer! How? The claim states that radon gas may emit from granite countertops in your home. Personally, I would be more concerned about the radon emitting from below the home, but before you worry about either, the good news is it is very easy to have your home tested for radon. There are at-home testing kits sold at local hardware stores, such as Home Depot and Lowes, or you can ask your Realtor for names of professional radon testers. Years ago, I had my own home tested for radon simply so I would know if there was a health issue while my family lived in the house, rather than finding out afterwards when a buyer typically might ask to do a radon test. Radon levels can vary over time though so be aware that results can change over the years. If you are interested in more info, please contact me and I will refer you to some excellent radon testers and remediation professionals!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Power of Curb Appeal

We all know vacations can help us rejuvenate and recharge. Even for a Realtor like me who loves my job, it's actually helpful for me to get a change of scenery and check out real estate in other parts of the country. I just returned from one of my very favorite places, The Hamptons in New York. The perfectly manicured lawns and beautiful landscaping throughout the neighborhoods just drew me in, made me want to stay and I even thought about buying a home because I loved it so much. If you have your home on the market, that is exactly how you want potential buyers to feel. It is important not to underestimate the POWER OF CURB APPEAL! With inventory high, buyers are filtering through listings and often rule out homes based soley on a quick glance at the exterior. I have frequently experienced this with my buyers and they will tell me to keep driving if "they don't feel it" from the outside. The Hamptons reminded me of how powerful a great first impression from the curb can be. When you really stand out from the others on the outside, buyers will get excited about what they see and they will want to see more. That's the first step and obviously a critical one to get your house sold!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

June 2008 Real Estate Stats

June 2008 real estate stats are in from NVAR (Northern Virginia Association of Realtors) and MRIS. Total Homes Sold in June 2008: -5.05% from '07. Sold Price: -14.44% from '07 and Average Days on Market: + 27.69% from '07. If you would like specific stats for your zip code, please let me know and I would be happy to share those with you as well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to Janean's Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy this casual and interactive forum where we can discuss all aspects of the real estate market as well as topics of community interest.

As a lifetime resident of Northern Virginia, I have enjoyed watching our area grow and develop over the years. I am proud to be a resident of one of the most culturally rich areas in the world. In addition to the wonderful culture, we are home to a nationally recognized school system, excellent companies for employment and abundant recreational amenities.

Currently, I have some outstanding listings that you can view on my web site at www.janean.com. There is something for everyone including luxurious low-maintenance homes to an expansive estate home on 3 acres. I am also always available for buyer representation on any home for sale.