Monday, July 28, 2008

The Power of Curb Appeal

We all know vacations can help us rejuvenate and recharge. Even for a Realtor like me who loves my job, it's actually helpful for me to get a change of scenery and check out real estate in other parts of the country. I just returned from one of my very favorite places, The Hamptons in New York. The perfectly manicured lawns and beautiful landscaping throughout the neighborhoods just drew me in, made me want to stay and I even thought about buying a home because I loved it so much. If you have your home on the market, that is exactly how you want potential buyers to feel. It is important not to underestimate the POWER OF CURB APPEAL! With inventory high, buyers are filtering through listings and often rule out homes based soley on a quick glance at the exterior. I have frequently experienced this with my buyers and they will tell me to keep driving if "they don't feel it" from the outside. The Hamptons reminded me of how powerful a great first impression from the curb can be. When you really stand out from the others on the outside, buyers will get excited about what they see and they will want to see more. That's the first step and obviously a critical one to get your house sold!

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