Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can Granite Countertops Really Cause Cancer?

If you watched or read the news this week, you might have been shocked to hear that granite countertops might give you cancer! How? The claim states that radon gas may emit from granite countertops in your home. Personally, I would be more concerned about the radon emitting from below the home, but before you worry about either, the good news is it is very easy to have your home tested for radon. There are at-home testing kits sold at local hardware stores, such as Home Depot and Lowes, or you can ask your Realtor for names of professional radon testers. Years ago, I had my own home tested for radon simply so I would know if there was a health issue while my family lived in the house, rather than finding out afterwards when a buyer typically might ask to do a radon test. Radon levels can vary over time though so be aware that results can change over the years. If you are interested in more info, please contact me and I will refer you to some excellent radon testers and remediation professionals!

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